Be kind to your Body & Mind – you work hard & you deserve it!
Stress Less, Feel Great, Achieve More & THRIVE!
Would you like to feel happier and more valued in your workplace, have a sense of balance between work and home life and feel in a position to implement positive changes in your day-to day life – whether at work or at home? Chi-lax & Mind Yourself Wellness programmes can help you do just that!!
Working with various organisations including offices eg. AIB Bank, Ernst & Young, Cork City Partnership / colleges eg. Regina Mundy school / charities – eg. Irish Guide Dogs head office, Cork Cancer Support Centre / health organisations eg. Cope Foundation, Turner’s Cross Daycare Centre, Active Retired groups & GAA teams, I have brought stress-reduction and wellbeing to the workplace using ‘Chi-lax’ workshops, Classes and ‘Mind Yourself’ programmes with the aim of providing a stress-management tool-kit that employees can use to cope with stress and situations both in and outside of the workplace.
I can customize a fun and informal (it won’t feel like work!!) programme of Workshops, Classes and Mind-Yourself bulletins to suit your organisation’s needs. Plus you can compile on-going information about the progress your staff and colleagues are making throughout the programme.
Get in touch to discuss Workplace Wellness at your organisation! – Michelle x
How will a Chi-lax Programme benefit your workplace?
- A happier, healthier & less stressed workplace
- Less absence due to illness
- Improved postural issues such as sore and stiff back, neck & shoulders
- Increased productivity
- Increased morale and motivation
- Your colleagues feeling more valued in the workplace
- Improved staff retention rates
- Better work/life balance
- You and your colleagues FEELING GREAT and ready to face the busy week ahead!

What’s included in a Chi-lax Workplace Wellness programme?
- Mindfulness Meditation & relaxation techniques – click here to learn more or select from drop-down menu
- Tai Chi & Chi Kung – click here to learn more about these energising practices or select from drop-down menu
- Gentle stretches that can be used in the workplace
- Self Indian-Head massage tips
- Simple team games to lighten the atmosphere and promote team spirit
- Monthly ‘Mind Yourself’ email bulletins in advance of workshops – such as videos or Blogs with tips and useful information
- Weekly Tai Chi & Mediation classes – a session of classes can give a regular energy top up. Find out more in the drop-down menu.
- ‘Happiness Index’ surveys to check-in regularly with staff regarding their wellbeing as the programme progresses
- MORE SMILES & FEEL-GOOD FACTOR around the workplace!!!
The programme will be customized to suit the needs of your organisation and we’d love to meet with you to see how we can help you and your team.
“82% of Irish workers stressed” – The Irish Examiner, Sept 2015.
“Over 80% of employees are suffering increased stress levels, according to a new survey and the stress has a knock-on effect on workplace morale, productivity and company staffing.
Research by international human resources consultancy Mercer shows that ………more than 60% of those surveyed would welcome and value their employer doing more to help with dealing with stressed employees.“Employers who proactively look to provide support and resources to help staff manage stress will see dividends in terms of improved productivity and morale and lower staff turnover,” said Mercer partner Niall O’Callaghan.
……… It found that 82% of those questioned here said they face increased stress at work. That figure is well above the 74% of workers with the same complaint in Britain.”
Please get in touch now to discuss how a Chi-Lax Workplace Wellness programme can be tailored to suit the needs or YOUR organisation!
It’s well reported that stress causes around 75% of all illnesses and that burnout, stress and anxiety in the workplace have become a global epidemic, having serious effects on our health, self-esteem and work-life balance. Employees can experience a wide range of health issues that can impact negatively on their body and mind – and, of course, their wellbeing and productivity at work. This can often lead to physical symptoms, anxiety and poor work/life balance as well as high levels of absence due to sickness, low staff retention and poor morale. This is highlighted in the report below published in The Irish Examiner “82% of Irish workers stressed”.
Is it possible for your health and wellbeing to ‘Thrive’ in the workplace?
6 years ago, Arianna Huffington a Greek born journalist, at the age of 61 – was the CEO The Huffington Post – with over 25 million visitors a month and subsequently sold to AOL for $315 million. She was listed by Forbes as No28 in the list of the world’s most powerful women and Time magazine listed her in the top 100 of the most influential. Here’s how she opened her book Thrive published 2014 – “I was lying in a pool of blood on the floor of my home office. On my way down my head had hit the corner of my desk, cutting my eye and breaking my cheekbone. I had collapsed from exhaustion and lack of sleep. Test after test – to find out if there were underlying problems – I had to ask myself questions about what kind of life I was living……I was on the cover of Time magazine….working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week to expand my rapidly growing business”. She goes on to talk about the stress of over-busyness, overconnecting through social media and the negative effects of stress on our bodies and general wellbeing. Also a critical need to re-evaluate how we measure success in times of a “stress epidemic” and jokes about what might have appeared on her headstone……”Arianna always answered her emails within 24 hours!”.
Now aged 67, she runs Thrive Global – a start-up that doubled that its revenue targets for 2017 within its first 4 months of business. She is an advocate for wellbeing in the workplace and is quoted in Business Insider in May 2017 “The connection between wellbeing and performance – that’s the key. To convince people that they need to take care of themselves – through sleep, meditation, recharging – they are NOT sacrificing their work or careers – that’s a delusion”.
Let us help you and your colleagues feel happier and healthier both inside and outside the workplace!!